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Dunmore Solar Inc. is developing a 216 MWac solar power project located in Cypress County approximately 13 kilometres east of Medicine Hat. The Project, as planned, covers approximately 623 acres of cultivated land. Solar technologies are advancing very rapidly, and at this time, Dunmore is investigating the use of 625-655 watt bifacial solar modules on fixed tilt racking. A network of underground 34.5kV collection lines will bring the produced electricity to a step-up transformer within the Project 138kV substation, which will interconnect with the existing AltaLink 138kV line that runs through the middle of the Project lands. Approximately 100 metres of new transmission line would be required to connect this project to the grid.


The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) granted approval for the power plant and collector substation on September 9, 2021.  The AUC also granted a Permit and License to alter, construct, and operate the required transmission facilities to interconnect the Project to the Alberta Interconnected Electric System. The Cypress County Municipal Planning Commission issued its Municipal Development Permit on April 12, 2022.

Project Updates


On September 30, 2023, Dunmore provided its Final Project Update to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC). In the Update, Dunmore indicated that a change from a fixed-tilt layout to a single-axis tracking layout reduced the total capability of the power plant on its currently proposed footprint by 43MW or 22%. On November 8, 2023, the AUC provided Decision 28506-D01-2023 where it approved the proposed changes in the Final Project Update. However, to achieve the total capability of the connection of 216MW for the power plant, Dunmore indicated to the AUC that it would file an Amendment Application in the first half of 2024 to include additional land. 


Dunmore is proposing the development of a Phase 2 expansion to recapture the 43MWAC of generating capacity that was reduced due to the SAT design in Phase 1. The lands for Phase 2 of the Project have been sited adjacent to the original Project area. 


Due to these updates, the Noise Impact Assessment and Solar Glare Hazard Analysis reports have been updated to ensure continued compliance with regulatory requirements and to assess the Project’s cumulative noise and glare. Dunmore intends to submit an amendment application to the AUC for the Phase 2 expansion lands by early July 2024, and will seek municipal development approval following AUC approval of the expansion, tentatively near the end of 2024.

About Dunmore Solar

About Dunmore Solar

The Project has been initially designed with the following infrastructure:

Bi-facial Solar PV Modules: Bi-facial solar panels have been selected for the Project due to their ability to receive and transform solar radiation from both the top and bottom sides.


Racking and Mounting Systems: The solar panels will be installed on a fixed-tilt racking system, which remains at a stationary tilt angle throughout the year, with panels ranging in height between approximately 1.0m to 2.5m above ground level.


Inverters: Power conversion stations that receive the direct-current (DC) power collected by the solar panels and convert this to alternating current (AC) power at key junction points where they connect to the collector system.


Electrical Collection System: The collection system for the project consists of underground cables connecting the inverters to the project substation.


Collector Substation: A main power transformer located at the Project substation will take the generated power at 34.5kV and will step up the voltage to 138kV to connect into the Alberta Electric System.


Interconnection: The Project proposes to connect to the existing 138kV transmission line located within the Project boundaries. A short connection line will be required to connect the Project substation to the 138kV transmission line; however, this short line will be located on private land participating in the Project.


Access Roads: No additional access roads will be required outside the Project site. During construction and operations, the entire project would be fenced in for security and safety reasons.

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Project Infrastructure

Project Operations 

Community Engagement


Dunmore Solar is committed to meaningful engagement with community members or stakeholders who may be directly or adversely impacted by our Project. Our goal is to provide opportunities for stakeholders to learn about the Project, ask us questions and share their concerns with us. We commit ourselves to understanding and resolving the concerns of the people who live, work, and play in our Project area. 

Local Benefits


Dunmore Solar believes in providing local opportunities and employment. The Project has employed many Albertans and local companies to conduct technical studies, environmental assessments, and project management. The construction and operations phases are expected to create many temporary and permanent jobs and boost the local economy through retail and other services. Horus is intent on providing as many local benefits and employment opportunities as possible.

Environmental Studies

To remain compliant with the Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEPA) Referral Letter and the AUC approval, Dunmore completed update wildlife surveys for the Project in 2022, 2023, and 2024. Surveys were completed for sharp-tailed grouse, burrowing owl, breeding birds, migratory birds, raptors (hawks and owls), and amphibians. Five wildlife features were found near the Project Area including:


  • Two Ferruginous Hawk nests located in the existing transmission towers,

  • Two Sensitive amphibian breeding ponds, and

  • One Swainson’s Hawk nest.


Dunmore has submitted mitigation plans to AEPA to reduce impacts to the above wildlife features including seasonal timing restrictions, avoidance of wetlands, enforced speed limits, use of matting and special equipment, and onsite monitoring during construction and for a period of three years once the Project is operational. Dunmore also assessed the entire Project fence line to ensure the design removed potential wildlife entrapment areas or pinch points that could impact local pronghorn antelope or deer moving through the area.


Dunmore is also completing updates to the prepared project-specific Environmental Protection Plan and Conservation and Reclamation Plan prior to construction, specifically to update the Vegetation Stewardship Plan in preparation for construction activities.


Prior to construction, the Project Area will be seeded with a perennial grass mixture and cover crop to establish vegetation at least one season ahead of construction. The intent is to reduce soil erosion, dust, and maintain soil quality.


During construction, an Environmental Monitor will be present onsite to ensure the management and protection of wildlife and habitat, wetlands, vegetation, and soils per the commitments that were made during the Project’s permitting and approval process.


Additional Studies

The following additional studies have also been completed:


  • Historical Resources: Assessments to determine any potential impacts to historical and archaeological resources

  • Noise: Modeling and impact assessment on the surrounding residences and other receptors

  • Glint and Glare: Modeling and assessment of any potential solar glare impacts

Project Schedule


Project Schedule

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Project Layout

Project Location and Layout

In order to develop the layout, the Project team developed a buildable area footprint incorporating setbacks prescribed by the province and the county. All required setbacks and features will be adhered to. The application of these setbacks has led to the proposed power plant and substation facilities shown on the map and contained within the Dunmore Solar Project boundary.

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Horus Energy

Dunmore Solar Inc.

Dunmore Solar Inc. was acquired in September 2021 by a joint venture established between Greencells Group and Teralight Ltd. The two companies propose to leverage their individual strengths toward a co-development strategy to bring the Dunmore Solar Project to a ready to build status by Q4 2022 and commercial operations by the end of 2024.


Greencells Group, based in Germany, has acquired a 25% stake in the Project and has a proven track record as a strong global project developer and provider of EPC and operations and maintenance services for large-scale solar power plants.  


Teralight Ltd., with an acquired 75% interest in the Project, is an industry leader in project origination and development of solar energy, and has a project backlog of 745 MW of solar development in Israel with expansion opportunities in Canada and the United States. 


Dunmore Solar Inc.
Participant Involvement Program Mailbox

PO Box 406 203-304 Main Street SE
Airdrie, AB
T4B 3C3

Privacy Statement Dunmore Solar Inc. is committed to protecting your privacy. Collected information will be protected under the provincial Personal Information Protection Act. As part of the regulatory process for new generation projects Dunmore Solar Inc. may be required to provide your personal information to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC). For more information on how information will be protected please contact us.

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